Can You Drive an ATV on the Road in Ontario?

couple riding an ATV on a trail

In Ontario, ATV’s (all terrain vehicles) are not allowed on any roads, trails or paths. The only exception to this rule is in the winter season when they may be used on designated snowmobile trails.

No, ATV's Are Not Allowed on any Ontario Roads

All-terrain vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel fuel may not be driven on any Ontario roads, highways or expressways. The same goes for electric-powered models—they are also prohibited from being operated on Ontario’s asphalt and concrete surfaces. The only exception involves private property: If you own your own land and have permission from your landlord/tenant to do so, then it would be legal for you to ride these vehicles in certain areas within municipal boundaries (including cities).


The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has not yet made any changes to its laws regarding ATV’s. This means that you will not be able to drive your ATV on any roads in the province.