So you’re thinking about giving this car wash thing a try? It might seem scary at first, but I promise it’s not. The signs are simple, and the employees will walk you through the process if they see you struggling with them. Plus, they’re super nice!
So let me show you how easy it is to go through a car wash:
Read the signs. If there are any, that is. If you’re incapable of reading, it’s possible that a kind stranger will help you. The car wash attendants at your local car wash are not always amenable to being helpful (they’re just doing their job), but don’t let them stop you from grabbing whatever information is available or asking questions!
If there are no signs around and no one else around who can read, then it’s up to you to decide whether or not entering this particular car wash is safe for your vehicle. Case-by-case basis: maybe they’ll let you enter if they know what type of paint job your car has, maybe they won’t; maybe they’ll let you in if they think your current mileage puts it at risk of overheating when exposed to such hot water temperatures—it depends on how much trust we’ve built between ourselves and our fellow humans over the past few centuries.
Once you’ve pulled up to the car wash, you need to get it started. But don’t just pull forward and get on with things, because there are rules that must be followed at all times. You can’t back up or turn around in a car wash—you’re not at home, so stop acting like it. You also can’t drive forward without first putting your vehicle in neutral (unless you’re going straight through).
And while driving through the cycle in reverse is generally frowned upon outside of an emergency situation, even this would be ill-advised here: “reverse” simply isn’t an applicable direction for this environment. Once again: if it’s not specifically called for by the instructions on our helpful diagram above, do not attempt it!
While each individual car wash will have its own unique features and rules of engagement. There are some general guidelines that apply across all machines: no diagonal driving; no circle driving; no diagonal circle driving; absolutely no diagonal circle diagonal spinning at full speed while attempting to outrun an aggressive pack of dogs intent on pursuing your vehicle into oblivion despite knowing full well that doing so will likely result in death for both parties involved—or perhaps just one should we consider how many tens of thousands of dollars have been spent developing these systems over time?
Once you have paid and stepped out of the car, wait for the driver to signal that it’s safe to drive through. If he or she doesn’t signal, don’t drive forward until he or she does. This is especially important if your vehicle is in front of another car—you don’t want to risk getting hit by another customer who may be impatiently trying to move forward. While waiting for the car wash to start, make sure that no other cars are coming toward you from either direction (left or right).
The key to a successful car wash is to drive forward and keep going. Don’t stop in the middle of the car wash, don’t reverse, and don’t stop. If you find yourself stuck in an awkward position where you’re unsure which way to go, just keep driving straight—you’ll figure it out eventually!
This is a very important rule to follow if you want to avoid getting a ticket. If you ever find yourself unable to drive through the car wash, either pull up and park at one of the exits or call ahead and ask them to send someone out to help your car through. Don’t just stop in the middle of everything! You will get stuck there and end up paying for a full wash and possibly even getting towed away. That’s not something anyone wants on their plate, so stay alert and make sure you’re going through properly!
The wiper blades are a car’s best friend. They keep your windshield clean and free of water, soap and wax sprayers that can leave streaks on the glass.
Wipe your windshield with the wipers when it is raining to clear off any debris on the glass so you can see clearly through it. If there’s no rain at all, simply make sure you turn them on so that they sweep away dust or dirt from being carried by wind onto your wiper blades.
Also, if you have a sunroof or convertible top that doesn’t minimize automatically when you start driving, use your wipers to sweep away any bugs or leaves which could fall into its opening as well as occasionally wipe off any bird droppings from atop it—otherwise they’ll dry up quickly into hard little chunks (a process we call “bird poop patina”) and needlessly clog up the motorized mechanism inside our cars’ automatic tops!
Don’t forget to collect your change and receipt. If you don’t, you’ll either have to go back or pay an extra fee at the machine.
Many people are afraid of the brushes at the car wash. They think they will scratch their car and cause damage in some way. This is not true! The brushes are made out of soft rubber, and they have rounded edges so they don’t cut or scrape your car.
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a lot of time to spare in the morning. After all, work and family obligations can make it difficult to fit everything into your day. Thankfully, there’s one way that you can cut down on your commute: by using a drive-through car wash.
Drive-through car washes are convenient because they’re fast and efficient; you don’t have to get out of your car, which means that no one will see how messy it is inside! These facilities also allow drivers to take care of all their cleaning needs at their convenience—whether they’re heading off for work or just want an easy way out when they return home from errands.
If you want to get your car’s exterior clean and shiny, the drive-through car wash is the perfect solution. You can easily go through one in just a few minutes and enjoy a nice car wash experience. You don’t even have to leave your vehicle! It’s easy, fun…and kind of addictive! Just remember that there are some things you should do before entering one so that everything goes smoothly and safely for everyone involved.
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