Toyota Cross Common problems and Complaints

a parked toyota cross on a snowy hill

List of Common Problems

Toyota cross is a compact SUV that is popular in the market. It is known for its off-road capabilities, rugged appearance and reliability. The Toyota Cross is also reliable and easy to maintain, so you won’t have to worry about it breaking down on you anytime soon. However, just like other vehicles of its kind, Toyota cross also has some common problems that may affect your car’s performance and even safety. Here are some of them:

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Small Tires

Small tires are more susceptible to wear and tear. They will have a shorter lifespan, which means you’ll have to replace them sooner than you would a larger tire. This can get expensive, especially if you’re replacing your tires often due to the car’s other problems.

Leaking Fuel Pump

The fuel pump is a common problem on the Toyota Cross. The fuel pump is located inside the tank, so it’s usually very difficult to diagnose. However, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or have run out of gas several times and have noticed that your engine is running rough or not getting enough power, it may be time to replace your fuel pump:

  • Lack of power
  • Rough idle
  • Engine stalls (sometimes when coming to a stop)

You can find replacement parts online for about $100-$200 depending on what kind of tank you have (Gasoline or Diesel). Fuel pumps are easy to replace yourself as long as you have some basic knowledge about cars and how they operate – but if not then take it into a professional mechanic who knows how things work!

Transmission Failure

A transmission failure is one of the most common problems with Toyota Cross vehicles. The cost to repair it can be several thousand dollars, and the fix may or may not last long.

If you take your car in for regular maintenance at a qualified service center, this problem can usually be avoided.

Oil Sludge

Loose window molding is a common problem with the Toyota Prius. When the window molding becomes loose, it’s difficult to close your windows properly and they may rattle in the car when you drive. To fix this problem, you’ll need to remove the interior panel of your door (the trim around your window) and then reattach it by tightening some screws that hold its edges together.

The best way to prevent this problem from happening again is to make sure you don’t hit anything while driving.

Engine Malfunction

Leaking head gasket is a common problem with the Toyota Prius. This can typically be fixed by replacing the head gaskets and re-torquing them to proper torque specs. The cost of this service depends on several factors, but it usually ranges from $1,000 – $2,000.


The Toyota cross has a lot of great features and is an excellent vehicle. However, there are some common problems that you should look out for when buying one.