A tire rotation can take about 15 to 30 minutes for the average car or truck at an auto repair shop.
If you choose to do it yourself, however, then it can take up to an hour or more depending on how many tires are being rotated and if any additional steps need to be taken such as adjusting other parts of your vehicle (e.g., aligning wheels) after rotating them.
Another factor is whether or not you have everything necessary for successful tire rotations. For example: Do you have an air compressor with enough power? Does your car hold enough air pressure once all four wheels are inflated? Are there any issues with how tight or loose each lug nut is? Do any bolts require special removal tools (e.g., breaker bar)? Are there other issues that could delay completion of the procedure such as needing more than one person helping out during rotation so nobody gets hurt by moving parts under pressure from too much force applied during torquing down nuts onto lugs while tightening them down afterward might cause injury when done incorrectly so it’s best not risk doing this yourself unless absolutely necessary).
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